Monday, August 8, 2011

wait its monday again?

uhh i can't believe it's already monday! this was a jam packed weekend! non-stop but filled with fun and productiveness. And monday has decided to be busy and not give me lots of time to blog this morning. So here are just a couple snapshots of my weekend. I'll be back tomorrow with hopefully a completed DIY project i started this weekend! :) Happy Monday!

I got to see these two cuties!
How cute is Tyler in his baseball outfit..had just gotten back from daddy's softball game.

Picked up some AMAZING fabric at the Fabric Depot in Portland. Could spend hours in that place!!! Do you love this gray chevron? Just wait until you see what I do with it! :)

Started a paint job. More on this tomorrow.

The saddest part of my weekend included saying goodbye to my good friend Jereme. I know its not forever and seven months will just zoom by but when you live and work with someone and see them everyday its hard not to have them around all the time.

But I just remember that she is about to go on one amazing adventure and that when shes back in 7 months ill have my friend, business partner, and gin companion back in ful force :)
love you jereme! :)

What is sad is that i had like 20 other things i did this weekend...okay maybe not 20 but this is just a blink of what happened. Anyone else have a busy weekend?

Have a simply wonderful Monday!

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