how on earth did we make it to May?! let alone mid May already! Is anyone else wondering where on EARTH this year is going? I honestly feel like we just had christmas and now we are gearing up for graduation. The past month has been insane. I.N.S.A.N.E. My calendar is covered in orange boxes meaning tons of work events along with some pink boxes, business events, and also a couple yellow boxes, Holidays/special personal occasions (i like to color code). I have honestly just been buzzing through life and realized today that i haven't even made it onto blogger this last month! shame on me. But i figured it was time for a catch up! So much has been going on and most of pretty boring to the rest of the world. But here is what i have been up to!
trips to the flower market |
turning my house into a flower shop |
making about 60 flower arrangements for 2 different events in the SAME weekend |
had a work event at the Portland City Grill with this stunning view! |
BOOKED a trip to VEGAS! and am actually taking some much needed time off this summer (first time ever!) |
planning the besties big 25th birthday bash! |
celebrating my sweet mamma's birthday! |
few other work events here and there |
and celebrated mothers day with these two beautiful women. |
with a luncheon out on the deck. complete with fresh big garden roses |
Although things have been a bit crazy this has been a great month! So much excitement with the end of the school year approaching. And i obviously have made some time for fun as well :)
Hope everyone is have a simply fantastic month!