i miss this. i miss my little blogging world. i miss the ritual of putting a little piece of me out into the world every week. even if no one was ever looking or reading i still enjoyed the process. the expectation of blogging multiple times a week became almost an impossible feat with so much happening in my life. and now that things have slowed down i am finally able to put my focus into some of the small things that got left by the wayside in those busy months. I know that this quiet time will soon be replaced with the craziness of fall but i will do my best to keep some sort of presence here.
So what have i been up to this summer? Honestly, a little bit of everything! I just got back from my first real vacation in 2 years and let me tell you, it was unbelievable! I have been laying by the pool, cooking, drinking wine, celebrating birthdays, and even letting myself be a little lazy...shocking i know! Pretty much living the dream, and i can't remember a time i have been this calm and happy! So far one of the best summer's and it's only getting better and better! Some more amazingness planned and with time flying by students will soon be back on campus and my calm life will go back to crazy. I admit i am enjoying all this down time but i kinda of can't wait for the buzz of fall, a new school year, football, and events galore. But no more of that talk. Here are some pics from the summer so far!
celebrated my Bestie's 25th Birthday! how completely gorgeous is she?! |
and it was my roomies 30th bday as well! Here are the birthday buddies! |
threw together a last minute 4th of July BBQ complete with cheesy red, white and blue cupcakes! |
finally used my Fire Pit for the first time! SMORES galore!
Attended my FIRST timbers game! |
it was AMAZING! and they WON!! silly faces all around |
cooking lots of salmon lately :) |
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then headed to VEGAS! |
and boy did we have the time of our lives! |
and we already can't wait for the next trip ;) |
tried out some new salads |
been planning a wine tasting day for when my Twin and her boy visit! |
and have been spoiled with lovely dinners, and treats from someone special :) |
See what i mean? Amazing summer so far and that only scratches the surface.
Have a simply fantastic monday!