16. 16 years later and this day still holds the significance it did 16 years ago. This past year I feel like i have grown so much. It's the first time in a long time where I feel so utterly content with life. The past few years I have been so focused on change and going, going, going and this spring i finally took a much needed step back and realized that I am one lucky girl. A job I enjoy, great friends and family and things are going to be just fine. I would love nothing more then to be able to share this time with him.
But this is not a day of sadness, but a day to reflect, to remember the amazing man i called my father. To listen to his favorite songs, to think about just how lucky i was to know him even if that time was cut short. Life is amazing, to amazing to just spend all my time wondering whats next, and stressing about every little detail. If I've learned anything it's to truly cherish every moment. And we can never be to grateful for each blessing we have.
These pictures are from the Willamette National Cemetery where he is buried. The place is huge and yet so completely peaceful. It has rolling hills, huge trees and is almost park like. Visiting this place is comforting. Sitting in the perfectly manicured green lawn next to my dad's grave marker is truly one of the most perfect places to just think and reflect. And coming here in time's of uncertainty and angst has almost been therapeutic. Unfortunately, it is in Portland and not just down the street from me but this place holds a special place in my heart.
So here's to 16. 16 years of memories that i wish i could share. 16 years of missing someone. and 16 year of never forgetting the most amazing man i ever knew.
Hope you have a simply thoughtful monday.