I must say that i have never been the one to feel awkward going to a restaurant alone or taking off and heading to the beach by myself. Sometimes you just need a little "me" time. However, I must say the thought of going to a concert alone was a little different. I really wanted to see Graham Colton, but i wasn't feeling the alone aspect. But when the day of the concert came around my love for him and his music out weighed my "alone" fears. And i must say it turned out to be quite a lovely evening.
For those of you who don't know who
Graham Colton is...well get to know him...i've been a fan of his music since high school and love his new cd he has out. It's great music along with great lyrics. So here is my
me date evening :)
started my drive off with a little jamba juice :) who doesn't love jamba!?

As I was parking I realized that the theater was right across the street from lolo! lolo is this amazing tapas restaurant that i've heard alot about but i am never on that side of Portland to try it. So after grabbing my ticket and some time to kill i headed across the street for a little dinner.

Ended up getting a romaine salad with a lemon vinaigrette and roasted almonds.... yum! and i was a big spender with this meal! A whole $6! Delish!

After dinner I headed across to the theater. I walk in and guess who's standing there?? Yep! Graham Colton himself :) We had a little conversation and when I told him I had driven an hour and a half to see him he told me to pick out a cd to take for free :) How sweet is that! Then we got a quick picture...i do wish we would have taken two.. Not the best picture but all well:)

since i have all of his cd's i decided to take one of his EP's. Listening to it now as i write this :)

Curtis Peoples started the night off. I love acoustic sets. I feel like if you can pull off a great acoustic set then you got it made. Nothing but you and your music. And he was amazing live!

Then it was time for Graham Colton :) I must say that I have never been to a concert where all my favorite were played. And this concert ALL of my favorites were! Probably helped that I requested two of them..and he played them :) Pretty Amazing!

Anyways....it was a great evening and great music and a great me date. the only downer...driving back to corvallis, hitting a traffic jam due to construction and almost falling asleep 15 different times...all well it was worth it.

Hope everyone has a simply wonderful Thursday :)